
Monday, January 23, 2012

Styling with the simple things

Weekend Pottering: The Simple Things 
I really do believe that its the simple things (the little bits of added detail) that slowly transforms a house and makes it into a home.

This picture frame was a wedding gift, it had been sitting in our middle cupboard for a good while. Surprisingly, I was a little stuck with what I should do with it. I have now finally found it's purpose (albeit kitchen bound, in my favorite room in our house!). I have framed a tea towel by English artist Rob Ryan. It was a freebie/ collaboration with Inside out magazine for their 10th birthday issue. I really love the detailed work of this artist (gorgeous) and that it matches our lovely green kitchen tiles perfectly! The silver frame looks good next to out oven range hood too.

How fabulous are these vintage scales?? My mum, Trisha gave them to me... love a little handing down through the generations! Can you believe they have been hiding in my kitchen cupboard? And only allowed out for baking expeditions??... shame on me!

I have now rehoused them. And I think, they like their new home. They now sit in great company way up high on a cupboard in my kitchen. Its one of the first things you see when you walk through our front door! So big cheers for cupboard finds this weekend... So, what is hiding in your cupboard?

1 comment:

  1. the framed tea towel looks beautiful. I love it. what an unexpected piece of art work.


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